Floriade 2010 Part 1.

I seem to say the same thing every year. I love Floriade and always enjoy the visit but it seems to fly by before I think of it. Floriade ends this weekend. We squeezed in a visit yesterday, and I'm glad we did.
I aspire to be more organised one year and go nearer to the start and again near the end to observe the development of the garden.
Again this year I'll split my photos up over a couple of posts. This is a pretty post and I'll include some pics of the kids and some taken from the giant Ferris Wheel in the next two.

Floriade 2010 Ferris wheel.

I really like and appreciate that the majority of the plants and gardens are not fenced so you are able to touch as well as observe.
I thought of my friend Jaki  the tulip lover when I saw this bed.

Its not at all uncommon to see people on the ground giving their Macro a workout!

Have a great weekend and stop by for more Floriade tomorrow : )


  1. So glad you made it even if it was at the end...and thanks for the tulip :)

  2. I remember going there about 20 years ago - such beautiful photos!! Tulips are my favourite flower.

  3. Fantastic photos...love it! Love Tulips, my fav.

  4. Lovely photos as per usual Tammy, cant wait to see the next ones.


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