Late Autumn Garden

A picture heavy post, A peek into the garden this morning!

Blackbirds Scurry about.

Salvia flowers are fading

Some Roses still bloom despite the frosts.

One Camellia nears the end of its flowering time.

Another begins.

Fire wood is being stacked

Gold fish rest in the morning Sun.

Tulips break the Earth.

Still a few Clematis seed heads around.

And the cactus is a Blaze of colour!

There are masses of leaves on the ground, lots of bare branches, Fairy wrens fossicking about, Lots of bulbs stretching green fingers to the cool fresh air, cold nights, frosty mornings and Sunny days.
A typical snapshot of Late Autumn in Canberra.


  1. É tão bonito ver a natureza se encarregando dos fatos,a vida segue independente de nós.Obrigado.

  2. It's looking great in your garden Tammy, I love seeing your cool climate plants.


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