When I did my last Birthday Club post I said I'd be back to show you another Birthday Gift I had recently sent out. This one was off to my Gorgeous Friend Jaki.
Jaki and I have been friends for about 9 years now I guess! Our friendship formed online through our shared interest Scrap booking. Over the years I have travelled up North and stayed at Jakis a few times and she has visited my home a couple of times too. When Birthdays come around we have pretty much always sent each other something handmade or some supplies that will match in with our current area of interest. Some times our gifts are months late, but none the less appreciated and never automatically expected!
Its Windy and Grey here today and we had really good rainfall last night. I have many baskets of washing to fold and a warm fire burning. have a great Day sweet readers. x
:) beautiful gifts! J.xx