Today I'm sharing some of our Camellias. Truth be told there are lots of flowers to chose from right now, the wisteria is in bloom, bluebells are still opening, roses are starting and lots more. I wanted to capture these as most are starting to be past their best now and look a little beaten after the recent rains and wind. The paler pink one at the bottom right is an older photo of a really large early flowering camellia, I took all the others this morning.

In other news you might have noticed I have been tweaking the design and layout of my blog this week, I'm almost done now. I have a few creative posts lined up to share and hope to get back to some more regular posting once I am done with the redesign. Today is the last day of term for my Children and I'm so looking forward to school holidays, Miss R and I were both doing a happy Dance this morning, I'm sure it wasn't pretty but it certainly was joyful and fun!
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Have a happy Day.