New hooks!

When I started rippling along I started to notice some real discomfort in my wrist and elbow when I was crocheting. It got to a point where I wanted to do more but knew physically it was not possible. 

My instagram friends recommended I start using a hook with a grip and the most popular opinion was to try Clover Amour hooks so I found Ozquilts, an online seller in Australia and invested in a few. I love that they are all colour coded and so clearly marked! The hook itself is lovely and smooth. I want to amass a matchy, matchy collection *blush*

I realised once I started using my Amour hook that the movement in my wrist significantly reduced, I used to move my wrist a lot when I was working but now the way I hold the grip reduces that, I guess its like learning to hold a pencil in school. I'm adjusting to them nicely and love that my actual physical grip is more open now which I think also removes some of the stress in the movements. I have no elbow discomfort at all.

What hooks do you use?

I've linked up with Kootoyoo at Kidspot creative spaces. :)


  1. how good.i just passed this on to my mum she is an excellent crotcheter (is that a word) and is now having thanks heaps-love dee x

  2. These hooks do look lovely. I use an odd assortment, ones that belonged to my beloved nana, ones I permanently borrowed from Mum and a few I have bought, which are pony brand I think!They do have a plastic part on the handle which is nice to grip.

  3. I am so happy with my hook and will also be buying some more. D x

  4. These are my absolute favourite hooks of all time. I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome at times so these are the best thing for me.


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