I'm turning into a fashion designer!

Or maybe a seamstress. for this little lady that is. 
I did something in extreme contrast to the thrifty frugal vein I have been running with lately and bought myself a Blythe doll. She is a Prima Dolly Aubrey and I have named her Ella.

I just can't get enough of sewing, knitting and crocheting things for her.
There will be another Blythe Doll joining us soon too as little Miss has one en-route.
A year ago I just didn't see the appeal in these dolls, it all changed through online exposure and then I saw this girl and knew she was the one for me. I also have a crush on another one. Shhh.
So that is where I have been, if you were wondering ... sewing, sewing, knitting, sewing and crocheting. xx


  1. She is pretty :)
    I am loving the clothes you are making for her, clever girl!!

  2. Hi Tammy. I just can't get to liking them just yet. I'm not sure my daughter is responsible enough to be looking after one, especially at the price they cost. Looking forward to seeing all the lovely things you've been making.

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  3. Congratulations Tammy!!!!!!!! She is so lovely. I hope she will bring you much fun with both photography & sewing and of course the wonderful extra way to connect with ones daughters!

    Be careful Anne, if you hang around this blog, you may just start getting curious. Once curious, its all over from there. These dolls get you!

    Enjoy Tammy xoxoxo

  4. Hehe...I knew we would wear you down eventually! She's so darling too and I'm really enjoying reading and seeing all the sewing/knitting that you've been doing for her.
    Mel xo

  5. Very cute, nice eyes. I do like them, but haven't got one. Have fun dressing her, it is bit like designing I think.

  6. oh! what a cute little doll. and oh! what a big cute eyes you have. :D


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