On my Mind

On my mind - Is Spring.

The weather of the last couple of days has been glorious tantalising me with a taste of what is to come. Sunshine, warm breezes carrying beautiful scents and bulbs beginning to reveal their pretty faces.

Have you had a taste of Spring where you are these last few days?


  1. We sure have Tammy, isn't it wonderful? :)

  2. Spring has certainly been on my mind these past days and I'm keen to get out and remove some weeds to make way for lovely herbs.
    Just popped over from Down To Earth. Have a lovely weekend. Love your spring photo.

  3. Yes yes our first bulb appeared this week! NOw it is dark and raining I hope it does not get slumped with the water weight...

    It is early considering how wet it has been lately AND it is Tasmania...

  4. Spring is such a lovely time of year with all the flowers and blossoms everywhere, and I love how the air is full of their sweet scents.
    Here in the U.S we're heading towards autumn but it's still very, very hot and humid (we're in Alabama), so cooler weather is definitely on everyone's mind here!
    Lovely picture, Tammy. Have a nice weekend.

  5. You bet Tammy. I've been in summer clothes all week. Still 'coolish' at night but you may as well say Spring has sprung here in Brisbane.

    Anne xx

  6. It's the wrong time to ask. Yesterday, yes, today, no - it's raining and cold. Your photos are just lovely.

  7. Yes have had two glorious days, overcast today, have discovered the mulberry tree has new green shoots.

  8. Gorgeous photos and I've been enjoying your blog thanks. If only I had time to stop and enjoy the weather at the moment - blog surfing in the dark of night is the escape from the tree planting - sp your photos are especially appreciated.

  9. Great post and lovely photo!

    Spring is certainly showing itself now. We had 31 degrees a couple of days ago, followed by a bit of much welcomed rain. The frosts haven't gone though...

  10. definitely not. Still cold here and more rain on the way. I dont mind as winter is my favourite time of the year and we so need more rain.
    although i can see orange blossom just waiting waiting to SPRING forth.

  11. Love your photo!

    There have been spring flowers in my garden for over a month ... crazy really, because the temp has been going up and down!

    Can't wait for 'real spring' to arrive!


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