Two pretty kings ...

Two hungry King Parrots came down to visit us this rainy morning.
Both these pics are of the same one as the other had his back to me and blended in the green completely. I did have to lighten both of these to give a clearer image, its so dark and grey out there.

I have just spent 4 days in Brisbane with my best friend. Well she is either my very best friend or never wants to hear from me again after the emotional load I dropped on her these last few days. Thanks so much beautiful girl. I also had the chance to see two other most lovely ladies and good friends. I had a great 4 days and am thankful to have had some meditative time with my knitting and am feeling like I am in a better head space now.
Though quite behind in house loving duties and with a backlog of washing to do in the wettest weather. I will be back with something creative in the next few days if not later today.
I'm so happy to have also had a largish family dinner sprung on me with unexpected guests in the local area. I'm looking forward to cooking for two of the best sisters anyone could have and the associated families ... later in the week, though cooking for that many is way out of my depth, I am looking forward to it.

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  1. Definitely very best friend *wink* I loved having you here, it was so nice to just sit and chat...and do a little crafting together :)

  2. Sounds as if you had a wonderful time, we all need a break now and then.


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Have a happy Day.