a bit about living simply.

I have had some lovely emails from people applauding my simple living efforts and saying they would like to know more. These make me feel quite proud but I also somewhat fraudulent in claiming to be living 'simply' when I actually struggle with the term and fall down in areas that are considered to be a part of that way of life.

I started out on this path about this time last year. It all began for me when I followed a link in a Scrap booking forum relating to a failsafe diet. I then read Sue Dengates book 'Fed Up'. I was alarmed and saw what I was reading as potentially linked to my sons skin problems and asthma.
This was really the beginning for me as I started seeing potential links and cutting out preservatives, artificial colourings and flavourings ( to be referred to as nasties going forward ). This saw our freezer contents drop dramatically and our pantry contents change and shift.
A lot of what we were eating was convenience foods as in frozen pies, fish, chicken ... etc. All big offenders.

Now we still do eat selected frozen convenience food but ones that avoid all the mentioned nasties, these products are few are far between. We rarely ... very, very rarely eat 'fast food'. In most cases if I can, I make it myself, but I don't have the time management skills to do it all at this stage. I am baking and cooking from Scratch MUCH more than I was at the same time last year.

Some of my steps on the road of simple living have been due to serendipitous circumstances. For example moving a neglected compost bin in our backyard and reading an eye opening article about food waste. This saw me start composting. Some things have presented themselves to me several times and then suddenly will jump out as the next obvious step or plant itself in my mind as an object or subject of interest.

I plod along at the stage I am at for as long as it suits me and then something presents itself as an opportunity or skill I can take on so I do. Most of my current efforts all revolve around the food and chemicals. So what gardening I do is what I am able to handle and adds to my goal of avoiding those previously mentioned nasties, my compost efforts aid my gardening efforts. Its a bit of a circle.

I personally use products that are natural or organic on my skin and hair. This is still a process heading to destination natural for the children and I see it as a far away place for my partner. In our household cleaning I use natural supermarket products on occasion but try to stick with Bi carb and Vinegar and mostly do. I make our laundry powder and a couple of months ago I free cycled the fabric softener that had been sitting in the cupboard for a long, long time unused.

Most recently I have began knitting. crocheting and sewing and still like to use my blog, that was previously my place to share my paper crafting, to show off what I am creating now with textiles.

My most difficult area is frugality BUT I am proud to say I have come far with my money handling and management skills in the year that has passed and while frugality is not an area I focus on it is in my mind and I can't honestly say I want to carry debt or don't want to save some cash ... I have given a lot to charity this year and a few things on free cycle.

So on my next near horizon is bread making. Soap making is an object/subject of interest.

So in a nutshell that is a bit of background about how I got to be living this way, living this life and learning all the wonderful things that I am. I am happy to share what I can with who ever is interested, as if I can inspire one person to change one habit that helps them or is kinder to the earth then I see that as a good thing. anyone who wants to stop in and see what I am up to and support or encourage me are most welcome as I fumble along here sharing my triumphs and failures too.

Now I'm off to the kitchen to finish making the meat pies for dinner tonight ( and maybe freeze some too )
Oh and as I wrote earlier I realised that while we still are trying to deal with seasonal eczema my son has not had an Asthma attack for a LONG time.


  1. Hi Tammy
    Thanks for leaving me a comment on my blog. It's great to make new friends. Your dishcloth looks so good, is there any instructions for it, and i am of to buy that Bamboozle. I was really only a scrapbooker and quilter but since following Mels blog I have done a lot of different things. If you want to make bread you really need to get a copy of the Artisan bread in 5mins it really is easy and amazing.
    I applaud you for making such drastic changes in your lifestyle and obviously its working if your ds is getting better.
    Have a good night
    Linda (you blog is great by the way)

  2. Hey...thought you might like this quiltingmick.blogspot.com
    ....love the bamboozle cloth...well done on your efforts Tammy..xx

  3. T it is great to read this condensed version of your journey over the last year, it really shows just how much you have achieved!!
    You are doing a great job :)

  4. WOW Tammy you sure have made quite a lot of changes. My stepson's mum is beginning the same journey atm. She is going all organic doesn't use mobile phone, microwave etc. I think it's great but I have to admit I get a headache thinking of going for the "simple life". It's good to hear that your family is benefiting form your changes.
    Well done, mel x


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