Goody Bags finished.

Did them all yesterday, took pics last night.

Today started well and I had grand intentions but it was grey and miserable and my motivation went AWOL, truth be told I think its the flu creeping up on me, so with no spark I cuddled with my lil boy and spent some time knitting his Scarf.
I didn't plan well enough for this fortnights menu and failed to take into account I had party baking to do and have shorted myself on eggs. Mini quiches were on tonights menu but I'll have to swap it out for something else as I need those eggs for cupcakes!

Got the priorities in order here! Tee hee.


  1. Oh Tammy, they are darn wonderful.You are smoking with your sewing machine already.Good for you.Hope this flu doesn't get you .Take care and cherish those little boy cuddles

  2. Love your goodie bags T :)
    I bet dd loved them too!

  3. these are gorgeous tammy. very sweet

  4. Those goody bags are soooo cute! Nice work.

  5. They look fabulous, Tammy! Neat sewing too! :)

  6. oh wow, they look fabulous! I hope the scarf is going well too :)


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