Time is whizzing by isn't it, I was a bit shocked talking to the girls yesterday to realise that its virtually August!
I met some of the Canberra BOXX girls for coffee yesterday, in the mall where I work, I think I stayed in there a bit too long. I get caught up in the conversations and connections it is nice to see and hear what other parents are doing and going through with their kids of various ages.
I needed a bit of a Nanna Nap in the afternoon as I hadn't listened to my inner self telling me I needed some quiet solitude to help me rejuvenate.
I did go out side for a short time and check what I planted on the weekend and stirred my new compost venture I am trying out.
Its good to show the kids and helps me teach them about the cycle of life and also recycling principles.
Heres a LO I did For the Scrap Pile Colour Challenge at the last CC, I seem to be leaning to colour challenges lately, maybe I'll give colour story a crack for August.

Head over and have a look at my RWPC blog post from yesterday, It could really make you smile ; )
I met some of the Canberra BOXX girls for coffee yesterday, in the mall where I work, I think I stayed in there a bit too long. I get caught up in the conversations and connections it is nice to see and hear what other parents are doing and going through with their kids of various ages.
I needed a bit of a Nanna Nap in the afternoon as I hadn't listened to my inner self telling me I needed some quiet solitude to help me rejuvenate.
I did go out side for a short time and check what I planted on the weekend and stirred my new compost venture I am trying out.
Its good to show the kids and helps me teach them about the cycle of life and also recycling principles.
Heres a LO I did For the Scrap Pile Colour Challenge at the last CC, I seem to be leaning to colour challenges lately, maybe I'll give colour story a crack for August.
Head over and have a look at my RWPC blog post from yesterday, It could really make you smile ; )
hi tammy, gorgeous lo, and with my fav lace cs. Yes, its ros (fifi). Havent been in to say hi for ages. Im always too busy or absolutely exhausted. I have been stalking the site tho. i pop on and look at the latest work in the gallery and always have a look at ur blog. beautiful work :)