Look what we did today : )

Spread a picnic blanket on the loungeroom floor and had a 'tea party' using the beautiful glass dishes and my tea set that never is used, it matches my favourite dinner set that comes out on Christmas eve.
Dave, Miss and I all drank from the dainty cups and Miss sampled one of each kind of Cake. While I was frosting the cupcakes I suddenly remembered angel or fairy cakes and had to whip up some cream to make some. : )
We all had fun.

I mentioned in my previous post that I got some scrap goodies; I had a parcel waiting at the PO and it was the Lime tart 6x6 kit I indulged in the day before ... Its just so pretty and romantic.
I did this card with it yesterday afternoon.


  1. Tammy I'm coming to your house for a teaparty, this is very ME
    What a beautiful teapot & delicate china cups, wonderful to see you are enjoying them
    Love the card x

  2. What a perfect day :)
    Rachel would have felt soooo special.

    Love your card too!

  3. Tammy. Thank you for visiting my blog...nice to hear from you. Gorgeous card you have made. Yes, the Limetart 6x6 kit is very pretty.
    Love the tea set too !!

  4. :D looks like a fantastic tea party :D

    I love that card too

  5. What a fab idea of the tea party. I love the look of real china.

    I just played catch up on your blog and mum's are the best and every child thinks the world of there mum so don't be so harch on yourself.

    I can't wait to get my Lime Tarts kit now.

    Cheers, Lauren

  6. Tammy that sounds like a wonderful idea, getting the 'good stuff' out for a tea party. Love the cakes too.
    Love the Lime Tart 6x6 kit. It is such a pretty kit this month. Lovely card.

  7. What a pretty teaparty, Tammy! I should get out my good china more often.


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